When life deals you lemons....you make lemonade!
In 2013 I had a very successful year in my fitness personal goals. Finishing the Tough Mudder in May and complete the 1/2 Marathon in October in good time. During this time, I pushed my body to the extreme, and most of you know this about me...I don't mess around when it comes to training. I felt strong and enlightened by my experience, so I continued to train "hard" with no recovery. Still going strong, I then decided to set my fitness goals for 2014. Three 1/2 Marathons, May, June, and October.
Well, there is unfortunately, heart disease in my family, my father, "Cardio Myopathy". Cardio Myopathy is defined as weakness in the muscle of the heart (literally "heart muscle disease") is the measurable deterioration of the function of the myocardium (the heart muscle) for any reason, usually leading to heart failure.
During a visit at the Cardiologist with my dad, Dr. Rebane suggested that I should be tested for it! Whaaaatttttt... this cannot be! Screaming and kicking, I followed the Docs orders and proceeded with the tests. Needless to say I was horrified. The only thought that I was entertaining was; "what about my running, training!" After waiting for two long weeks, I received my tests results and I was in the clear for Cardio Myopathy. Thank God! But here comes the big but...the tests showed fluid around my heart; which means "inflammation"! My heart rate was constantly high even during my sleep, not good! Docs orders: "you must take a break from running now!" Well, that could not be...there is no way he could make such an absurd statement. Although all the symptoms where there all along I chose to ignore them. Heartburn is one of the symptoms by the way...it is constant it never goes away. Ant-acids will not work with this symptom. Please see your doctor.
It's never going to end...four weeks later, I woke up with horrible pain along the sides of my spine...I went to visit my family doctor. Waiting impatiently in her office for the results, she advised me of a Kidney infection. What is going on! My body was disparately trying to tell me to stop! I was too stubborn to listen.
I decided to do some research, and thank you to my beautiful friend, I discovered Usana. After researching for many days, I discovered that all their products are Pattened and FDA approved. High quality ingredients, all the science I needed toproceed with the Health Assessment and it showed me every supplement I needed to take to heal. I went ahead and ordered my supplements, and I started taking them immediately, and I felt better instantly by the way. Supplementation has to be constant, it is not a temporary method to get better! Three months is the time the body needs to feel optimum.
It's like brushing your teeth, you must do it everyday! Exercise, proper nutrition and supplementation = Optimum Health!
Here are steps I took to heal:
1) Rest & Recovery
2) Detox
3) Foods that help with inflammation (pineapple, tumer ic, ginger, greens, a lot of fish the list is endless).
4) Trusted Usana Supplementation.
5) I started working out the "smart" way!
I am on my way...started training for my 1/2 Marathon. I am feeling on top of the world! Life is good!
A special thank you to my friends and family for your constant love and support and mostly all your prayers.
Much love & good health,
Coach Tina
Co-owner: Holistic Bodyworx, www.holisticbodyworx.ca.
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